Orochimaru |
Posted: Sat 16:25, 15 Aug 2009 Post subject: Hidan |
Movespeed : 275
Str: 23 + 1.6
Agi: 23 + 1.3
Int: 20 + 1.9
Damage: 34 - 40
HP: 587
Mana: 260
Armor: 1.2
Curse Scythe attack
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Mana request: 100/150/200/250
Casting Time: Instant
Skill range: Only close combat
Cooldown: 17 sec
Skill Type: Small dmg
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Hidan attack his enemy with his curse scythe, the enemy take a little dmg, but the enemy will be put in to curse status. On curse status enemy cant regenerate HP or heal his dmg. Curse status is requested to use Ritual of Pain and Transformation. |
1lvl 75 dmg + curse status 3 sec
3lvl 150 dmg + curse status 4 sec
5lvl 225 dmg + curse status 5 sec
7lvl 300 dmg + curse status 6 sec
"Unreductible damage"
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Mana request: 90/110/130/150
Skill Type: Metamorphosis
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When a enemy is cursed Hidan automatically transforms. Hidan in these mode take more dmg and gains STR bonus. The transformation ends when: Curse time is over, Hidan die |
1lvl 200 HP, Hidan take 100% more dmg from psychical dmg and magic dmg
3lvl 400 HP, Hidan take 150% more dmg from psychical dmg and magic dmg
5lvl 600 HP, Hidan take 200% more dmg from psychical dmg and magic dmg
7lvl 800 HP, Hidan take 250% more dmg from psychical dmg and magic dmg
Ritual of Pain
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Mana request:
Casting Time: 1 sec
Cooldown: 25 sec
Skill Type: Taunt
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When hidan use the ritual, he will be in a citcle. If he leaves or he will be push from that circle the ritual fails. Every dmg that will hidan get ( from spell and normal dmg) will be shared with the enemy in curse status. After activating the ritual he automatically use taunt. If the curse status ends, then ritual ends too |
Level 1 - 250 Manacost
Level 2 - 210 Manacost
Level 3 - 170 Manacost
Level 4 - 130 Manacost
Self Pain
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Mana request: 30/40/50/60
Casting Time: Instant
Cooldown: 1 at all lvl sec
Skill Type: NUKE
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Hidan attack himself with his scythe. Making a lot of dmg to himself |
3lvl 100 dmg to himself
6lvl 150 dmg to himself
9lvl 200 dmg to himself
12lvl 250 dmg to himself
*Physical Damage !!!!*
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Skill Type: Passive
Cooldown: 1min/45sec
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Hidan is immortal until he haw mana |
10lvl Hidan reincarnate after he died. To reincarnate hidan must haw at least 300 mana.
20lvl Hidan reincarnate after he died. To reincarnate hidan must haw at least 400 mana.