Orochimaru |
Posted: Wed 12:41, 27 Feb 2008 Post subject: Jiraya |
[big]Stats : [/big]
Range: 100
Move Speed: 300
Primary: STR
Str: 22 + 2.4
Agi: 15 + 2.00
Int: 18 + 2.00
Damage: 49 - 79
HP: 663
Mana: 334
Attack Speed: 1.36 (+ 15% IAS)
Armor: 4.7
[big]Important : [/big][big][big][big]
Jiraiya is a strenght hero with 5 f**cKing spells. 3 of them are basics spell but when he turns into the hermit mode, all of them
are greater. So when you see hermit skill as a quote into an other spell that represent how the skill work into a hermit mode.
Really how it works it's like an aghanim when you are lvl 6 you pump by 1 all your
spells. So if you have a skill lvl 2 it turns into 3 and if it is 4 he comes to the true hermit power lvl 5 and 6 until 7.
Rasen[G]an : [/big]
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Casting Time: instant.
Skill Type: Target spells
Description: The technique is unlike other jutsu in that it does not require any handseals, it just relied on the ninja's ability to mold chakra. The ninja concentrates a contained, fast, rotating sphere of chakra in the palm of their hand which can cause much destructive impact.
Level 1 - 1-2 seconds. Deals 100 damages .
Level 2 - 1-3 seconds. Deals random damage between 100 - 200.
Level 3 - 1-4 seconds. Deals random damage between 100 - 300.
Level 4 - 2-4 seconds. Deals random damage between 200 - 400.
Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 100/120/140/160
Level 1: 100 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 120 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 140 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 160 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
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Hermit Skill
Chou Oodama Rasen[G]an
Level 5 - 2-4 seconds. Deals random damage between 200 - 400.
Level 6 - 2-5 seconds. Deals random damage between 200 - 500.
Level 7 - 3-6 seconds. Deals random damage between 300 - 600.
Level 1: 180 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 200 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 220 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
[big][big][big][E]ndan: [/big][/big][/big][big][big]
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Casting Time: instant.
Skill Type: Line effect
Description: Katon • Endan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. This jutsu allows Jiraiya to emit a jet of fire from his mouth, 800 Range. Each flame strike deals damage per second for 5 seconds, and has a 250 AOE radius.
Level 1 - 20 damage per second. Range is Random, between 200 - 800
Level 2 - 35 damage per second. Range is Random, between 200 - 900
Level 3 - 50 damage per second. Range is Random, between 300 - 900
Level 4 - 65 damage per second. Range is Random, between 300 - 1000
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 100/115/130/145
Level 1: 100 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 115 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 130 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 145 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
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Hermit Skill
Senpou • Go[E]mon
Increase AoE to 400 AoE
Level 5 - 80 damage per second. Range is Random, between 400 - 1000
Level 6 - 95 damage per second. Range is Random, between 400 - 1100
Level 7 - 110 damage per second. Range is Random, between 500 - 1100
Level 2: 160 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 175 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 190 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Ha[R]i Jizo : [/big][/big][/big]
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Casting Time: instant.
Skill Type: Active/Unactive
Description : Jiraiya surround hisself with his hear temporarily avoiding any further damage.
Level 1 - Up to 0.75 seconds.
Level 2 - Up to 1.5 seconds.
Level 3 - Up to 2.25 seconds.
Level 4 - Up to 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 6
Manacost: 50/45/40/35
Level 1: 50 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 45 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 40 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 35 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
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Hermit Skill
Senpou • Keba[R]i Senbon
When jiraiya have harden his hair (Hari jizo), he launchs it towards his opponent as a torrent of needles. This jutsu is Jiraiya's fastest over a wide field of attack. Each needles deals 40 damages and slow by 7% for 6 sec.
Level 5 - Launch needle to each enemies in 700 AoE. Launchs random needles between 1 - 3
Level 6 - Launch needle to each enemies in 700 AoE. Launchs random needles between 1 - 4
Level 7 - Launch needle to each enemies in 700 AoE. Launchs random needles between 2 - 5
Cooldown: 6
Manacost: 30/25/20
Level 1: 30 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 25 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 20 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
[big][big][big]Sennin Moo[D]o :
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Casting Time: 2 Sec / Channeling
Skill Type: Self buff
Description : Sennin Mode is a combination power-up used by Jiraiya and the mother and father toad. Jiraiya will first add additional markings too his cheeks; he will then summon the mother and father toad to join him on his shoulders. Once in this mode, Jiraiya's body will take on a toad-like appearance with warts and a bigger nose.
Last 16 seconds
Level 1 - Increase spell power by 1, and give a 15% 3x critical
Level 2 - Increase spell power by 2, and give a 15% 3,5x critical
Level 3 - Increase spell power by 3, and give a 15% 4x critical
Cooldown: 50 seconds.
Level 1: 70 mana, 50 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 85 mana, 50 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 100 mana, 50 sec cooldown.
[b][big][big][big]Toad Binding Due[T] : [/big][/big][/big][big][big]
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Casting Time: 10 Sec
Skill Type: AoE disabling spell
Description :
he Genjutsu affects the user by attacking their sense of hearing. By combining their voices into the right melody, they can bind the body and mind of the one who hears it. The victims will feel themselves trapped within a binding cube held in place by four large toads. While under the Genjutsu, they will be vulnerable to outside attack.
Ma and Pa toad when the spell is casted start to play a melody that take effect after 10 seconds.
Level 1 - Silence/disable enemy for 5 sec during the binding enemy can not be target by Magical damage.
Level 2 - Silence/disable enemy for 10 sec during the binding enemy can not be target by Magical damage.