Orochimaru |
Posted: Wed 11:21, 27 Feb 2008 Post subject: Chiyo |
[big]Stats : [/big]
Range: 500
Move Speed: 275
Primary: INT
Str: 16 + 1.6
Agi: 16 + 1.6
Int: 21 + 3
Damage: 42 - 49
HP: 454
Mana: 273
HP Regen: 0.73
Mana Regen: 0.85
Attack Speed: 1.43 (+ 16% IAS)
Armor: 1.2
[big] Hi[big]T[/big]okugutsu : [/big]
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Casting Time: instant
Skill Type: Channeling/buff
This technique allows Chiyo to make a puppet which can contain and use chakra. Chiyo does this by making a living human into a puppet. When she uses this technique to target an ally/enemy, the effect stay until he leave 1000 AoE from
Last 12 seconds
Level 1 - 9% movement, 23% attack. / -9% movement, -23% attack.
Level 2 - 12% movement, 27% attack. / -12% movement, -27% attack
Level 3 - 15% movement, 31% attack. / -15% movement, -31% attack
Level 4 - 18% movement, 35% attack. / -18% movement, -35% attack
Cooldown: 16 seconds.
Level 1: 110 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 130 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 155 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 185 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
[big]Chak[big]R[/big]a no Tate : [/big]
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Casting Time: instant
Skill Type: Self buff
Chakra no Tate is a Ninjutsu technique used by puppet masters. This shield is created when chakra is emited in the form of a disk from panels which fan out from the puppet arms that blocks all attacks (Invulnerable).
Reduce movespeed to 0.
Level 1 - 145 mana/sec
Level 2 - 130 mana/sec
Level 3 - 115 mana/sec
Level 4 - 100 mana/sec
cooldown : 20 seconds
Level 1: 145 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 130 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 115 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 100 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
[big]Chiyo's T[big]E[/big]nsei Jutsu : [/big]
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Casting Time: 2.5
Skill Type: Heal/Channeling
is technique thereby allows Chiyo to save the life of those too badly damaged for typically medical treatment jutsu like Shousen.
If the target of the jutsu is not dead, Chiyo will not transfer all her life essence in exchange. Thus allowing her to barely live, and stabilize the gravely injured just recipient.
Level 1 - Loose 10% life to heal 10% to an ally
Level 2 - Loose 15% life to heal 15% to an ally
Level 3 - Loose 20% life to heal 20% to an ally
Level 4 - Loose 25% life to heal 25% to an ally
Cooldown: 35 seconds.
Level 1: 120 mana, 35 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 120 mana, 35 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 120 mana, 35 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 120 mana, 35 sec cooldown.
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[big]Sub skills : Chiyo's Te[big]N[/big]sei Jutsu : [/big]
Level 1 - raise a dead ally and you die instead, decrease your raise time by 10 (randomly)
Level 2 - raise a dead ally and you die instead, decrease your raise time by 15 (randomly)
Level 3 - raise a dead ally and you die instead, decrease your raise time by 20 (randomly)
Level 4 - raise a dead ally and you die instead, decrease your raise time by 25 (randomly)
Cooldown: 55 seconds.
Level 1: 120 mana, 55 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 120 mana, 55 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 120 mana, 55 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 120 mana, 55 sec cooldown.
[big]Shirahi[big]G[/big]i • Jikki Chikamatsu no Shuu : [/big]
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Casting Time: instant
Skill Type: summon
ith this technique, Chiyo will summon ten puppets, with each puppet being manipulated by one finger on each hand.
Level - 1 Summons 4 puppets
Level - 2 Summons 7 puppets
Level - 3 Summons 10 puppets
Cooldown: 90 seconds.
Level 1: 200 mana, 90 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 200 mana, 90 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 200 mana, 90 sec cooldown.
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[big]Shikamatsu puppet : [/big]
Range: 100
Move Speed: 522
Chaos Damage: 40 - 40
HP: 500
Mana: -
HP Regen: 0.73
Attack Speed: 1.20
Armor: 5
Cannot move further than 1000 range from Chiyo.
[big]San[big]D[/big]ou Kyuukai : [/big]
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Need 3 puppets to do it :
Description: Puppets Summons a giant vortex in a location. All enemies that are in the vortex move slower and have their strength reduced as they are attempting to resist the inward pull. Any enemy that remains in the AoE will eventually succumb, and fall inside the vortexes core. They will then be spit up in a random location on their side of the map, and take a large amount of damage.
Ability Type: Active Target: Ground
Range: 800
Area of Effect: 500
Duration: 15 seconds
Mana Cost: 200/300/400
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Level - 1
- Slows the movement speeds of all affected enemies by 25% while in vortex
- reduces the damage of all enemies by 25% while in vortex.
- Any enemy that remains inside for 7 consecutive seconds will be sucked to the vortexes core, and be relocated to another portion of the map, taking 400 damage in the process
Level - 2
- Slows the movement speeds of all affected enemies by 40% while in vortex
- reduces the damage of all enemies by 40% while in vortex.
- Any enemy that remains inside for 5 consecutive seconds will be sucked to the vortexes core, and be relocated to another portion of the map, taking 600 damage in the process
- Summons a giant swirling vortex at the targeted location. Any enemy in the vortex will have their movement speed and damage significantly reduces.
- By itself, it doesn't deal any damage. However, should the enemy remain in it long enough, they will be pulled to the vortexes core, and disappear.
- Once they disappear, they will be shot out of the ground in a random location on their side of the map (must be passable terrain), and take a huge amount of damage in the process.
- Lasts a long time, and is great in team battles, chasing protecting, thinning out the enemies you name it. However, poor placement can easily waste its potential, making good aiming key.